NIPS focuses along the lines of the National Education Policy ( NEP 2020) for foundational stage, in order to ensure universal access to high-quality ECCE in a stepped manner, which consists of pliable, multifaceted, activity-based, play-based and discovery-based learning.
Our foundational stage focuses on a structured approach to develop FLN (Foundational Literacy and Numeracy). The key components includes:
- Oral Language development
- Phonological Awareness
- Decoding
- Vocabulary
- Reading Comprehension
- Reading Fluency
- Writing
- Culture of reading / Inclination towards reading
- Pre- number concepts
- Measurement
- Shapes & spatial understanding
- Patterns
Children learn through play-way immediate environment, art& craft, multi-sensorial and practically releaved resources, which focuses on the following:
- Stem
- Social- Emotional and Ethical development
- Creative Coding
- Physical Development
- Dramatic Play
- Artistic & cultural development